Rare Bottle 040721

Tutorial on how to model our first "Rare" bottle from july.
Lots of new tricks using surfaces and other techniques...
You can download the 3D files here:
Rare Bottle (First for July)
Also you can see our other rare bottle tutorial here:Rare Bottle 300721

  1. Step 1: First Extruded Surface & Wrap cmd...

    Wrap is almost unknown, but you can achieve extraordinary results with it...

  2. Step 2: Swept surface & Knitting...

  3. Step 3: Removing unwanted Half...

    And mirroring. Also new plane for new cutting surface...

  4. Step 4: Swept Surf. & Cutting Shoulder...

  5. Step 5: More Cutting action...

    And improving one of the fillets...

  6. Step 6: Prep. & Boundary Surface...

    Splitting the faces and drawing a Sk to be able to use Boundary Surf. cmd...

  7. Step 7: Solidifying & Neck preparation...

    In this case we ar only simulating the plastic closure...

  8. Step 8: Closure simulation. Grooves...

    Also bottom preparation.

  9. Step 9: Engraving...

    Of course, you can change the text to your liking...

  10. Step 10: Rendering...

    In this particular case we did not shell the bottle, if you want to try... Ok!

    That is All!!. Hope you have enjoyed this tutorial.

    See you around...
