
Convert STL and OBJ files to STEP files online!

0 0 Beginner
Convert STL and OBJ files types to modifiable STEP files that can be used in your favorite CAD for free!

Transfer STL files between Blender and 3D Printing Slicers Software

0 0 Beginner
For the case study of modifying and transferring this tutorial makes use of Blender. Blender is a free and open-source 3D computer graphics software toolset used for creating animated films, visual effects, art, 3D-printed models, motion graphics, interactive 3D applications, virtual reality, and, formerly, video games.

CATIA V5 - Shape Sculptor - Activate and Activate All

0 0 Beginner
The Activate and Activate All commands in CATIA V5 - Shape Sculptor are used to select polygonal meshes. The Activate command selects a single polygonal mesh, while the Activate All command selects all of the polygonal meshes in the current selection set.

How to use my Models

1 0 Beginner
Learn how to download and install Free CAD +Learn how to Download my models.

Surface from mesh │Solidworks mesh modeling│

0 0 Expert
Convert non-manifold to manifold

CATIA V5 - How to read STL files statistics

0 0 Beginner
STL files are binary files that store 3D data as a collection of triangles. They are widely used in 3D printing, CAD software, and other applications that deal with 3D models. CATIA V5, a popular CAD software, can import and work with STL files. However, it does not provide a direct way to read the statistical information about an STL file, such as the number of triangles, the bounding box, or the average triangle size

CATIA V5 - The Mandalorian Miniature - Reverse Engineering

0 0 Expert
The workflow makes use the following models available at: 3D model available at: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3989757

How to Fix non manifold vertices/edges

0 0 Intermediate
Fixing non-manifold vertices and edges is a crucial part of using the Mesh Cleaner in CATIA V5 Digitized Shape Editor. Here's a detailed guide: