
Designing Approximate Spur Gear in CATIA V5 (Method 4 of 4: creating/using Macro)

4 0 Expert
This BND TechSource video shows how to create a CATIA macro for creating an Approximate Spur Gear. We hope this series on creating Approximate Spur Gear parts has been useful. https://bndtechsource.wixsite.com/home Approximate Spur Gear_macro.txt: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15d36yEK7fYNM9ocumVdv8dIU1cy7Jawg/view?usp=sharing Input_macro.txt: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XGxUyo4Q2rvy-mEmbRPhw_g16uTcvpPi/view?usp=sharing Parameters_macro.txt: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16m3ySORr3HFn1IrwNxN51-ahK6ozYsEs/view?usp=sharing Geometry_macro.txt: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ntFxXJn7NkS4HZNJU-yDe9G-rA2hNKh_/view?usp=sharing Relations_1_macro.txt: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ixX2D6f6OPQpPP1rJSxM0xWG-t0GvL4t/view?usp=sharing Relations_2_macro.txt: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UCmSLiIxq6PnpXOc0F7H__VaPdmYKyOk/view?usp=sharing

Differences in macros between catia v5 and catia v6 or 3dexperience

0 0 Expert
Differences in macros between catia v5 and catia v6 or 3dexperience https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6487644987675803648

CATIA v5 Skeleton with Excel

0 0 Expert
This is a macro made in Excel VBA, which allows you to change the endpoints of the lines representing the skeleton of the plane IAR80 FA engine frame. This allows for faster execution and easy application of changes in 3D modeling software.