
How to use Rib tool Feature in SolidWorks | Creating Ribs

2 0 Beginner
To create a rib: Sketch the contour to use as the rib feature on a plane that intersects the part, or is parallel or at an angle to an existing plane. Click Rib (Features toolbar) or Insert - Features - Rib. Set the PropertyManager options. Click OK .

What are differences between configuration manager and property manager in SW?

1 0 Beginner
See below

Rack and pinion Reciprocating Mechanism in Solidworks

0 0 Beginner
Our facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/EngineeringExplanation Our website : www.engineerknow.com Solidworks crank and pinion mechanism in detailed : https://youtu.be/A6G2hAzvZBc udemy course link : https://www.udemy.com/course/solidworks-animation-and-motion-analysis/?couponCode=A70909BAC4C5865D9826 [valid till 1 July 2021] our new Youtube channel : Engineerknow : [ for understanding how the machine works and other engineering thing] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU5LqyPgX7E8ri4G8ag9xZQ Mechanical Coder : [Coding in Python for mechanical engineers] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC__7TWjURc7KnChqoQrAYoQ for INDIAN ONLY : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDws0ifI1mdQHgJWUSBzrOA