
Barrel spring - intersect command - catia v5

3 0 Intermediate
here you can find how to create a varying diameter helical spring using advanced tools in catia

How to convert 2D BMP images to 3D STLs?

1 0 Intermediate
The basic principle is to take a regular 2D image (in BMP format) and translate the image’s gray shades into a 3D height map (Figures 1 and 2). The two-dimensional array (i.e. color) of each element is interpreted as a height value in order to store information on the height of each point. For example; the white points are flat, the gray points are higher and the black points are the highest. The following steps in this procedure were accomplished using Microsoft® Paint image viewing software and Materialise® Magics STL editing software, and make reference to the menu options in those applications. Other similar software programs may be used to accomplish this procedure.

Tutorial basic extruded boss sketch circle 60mm diameter 50mm height solidworks

0 0 Beginner
Tutorial basic extruded boss sketch circle 60mm diameter 50mm height solidworks Please watch the complete step at : https://youtu.be/Yx5I6CaGpnA Thanks