GrabCAD Community User Group

Created by Anna Skopenko on 10 January, 2018

2D .dxf/.dwg Models

Is there a "GrabCAD" source for 2D objects? I do very little in 3D, since I'm just generating working drawings for the techs and hate having to draw things myself. All I've been able to find are 3D.

Accepted answer

Do a search in the library and filter it by Autocad software. This should return files with a DWG or DXF filetype. While most designs are 3D in nature here on GrabCAD, some users also include a 2d snapshot. I know I have for some of my models.

1 Other answer

For 2D objects, you might want to explore other platforms that specialize in 2D CAD or drafting resources. Here are a few alternatives where you might find 2D CAD objects or symbols:

AutoCAD Blocks:

AutoCAD itself has a vast library of blocks and symbols that you can use directly in your 2D drawings. You can find these within the software or explore online communities that share AutoCAD blocks.
CAD Block Websites:

There are various websites dedicated to offering CAD blocks and 2D symbols. Some popular ones include CADblocksfree, CADdetails, and CADforum.
Manufacturer Websites:

Some manufacturers provide downloadable CAD files, including 2D symbols, for their products. Check the websites of the specific manufacturers whose components or objects you frequently use.
Online CAD Libraries:

Websites like TraceParts and CADdetails offer a mix of 2D and 3D CAD files. You can filter your search specifically for 2D objects or symbols.
Community Forums:

Explore forums and communities related to your specific industry or field. Members often share resources, including 2D symbols or blocks.