Anyone any idea why I suddenly can't select my origin when making a sketch?

Hi everyone,

I have a serious problem.

Yesterday I was able to make a sketch and then from the origin, today this doesn't work anymore and after removing and reinstalling solidworks I still have the same problem. I cannot draw a circle or square from the origin. Does anyone know a solution for this?! After the Christmas holidays, I have an exam in solidworks.

So the options i used to fix it but does not work:

- Reinstall Solidworks.
- Show --> Origins ON
- Options --> Display --> Display reference triad ON

Kind regards,


4 Answers

Have you tried using the Solidworks point tool to create a point at the origin, then creating all your sketches using that point instead of selecting just the origin?

It is hard to say what causing the disappearance of origin.

Try cleaning registry file using any utility software like Glary utilities/auslogic registry cleaner after uninstalling Solidworks and then reinstall. If that does not work then if your PC is set to record recovery images, revert to image, prior to installing solidworks and then install solidworks again.

Followings are the way around to get to origin.

Select any line. Use the line properties to set the coordinate of one end to 0,0,0 to get to the origin as shown in attached picture.

Generally, in 2D sketching, when we start drawing to select a plane, that plane psses through origin and we will see two coordinate for an end of a line/curve. If we select a plane which does not pass through origin, we will see three coordinates for an end of a line/curve.

In 3D sketching, we will always see 3 coordinates of an end of a line/curve.

For an untied line/curve, we can put any values in coordinate box of line properties.

Alternately, we can draw a point in 2D/3D drawing and set the coordinates to zero to reach the origin.

Your origin is most likely hidden in your model, thats why you cant select it

GO to Tools>Option>Relation/Snap click enable