i am getting an error message displayed "click ok to terminate" in catia V5 R22 recently we got upgraded from R19, when i try to modify a heavy file i am getting this message displayed and once i click on "ok" catia closes.

could anyone help me

thanks in advance

Best Regards
Ganesh Patil

7 Answers

This is the most horrible Message. Normaly you don't have any solution. Maybe installing the servicepack will help. I only had this message, when I try unsolvable operations, never heard this message while loading a file.

It's more than likely your PC struggling with the large file. Check R22 even runs on your OS then check that you have a recent, certified GPU driver then run CATDUAV5 on the large file

make sure you are using the DS certified PC. That information can be obtained from DS website. Even if you are using customize system, it would be better if its configuration is close to certified system. You can also track your physical memory while working on big files via task manager. Just to make sure its not the issue of not enough memory.

This message appears when CATIA execute an action (often when you have launch a digital simulation or when you want to make a fillet). In general CATIA bugs when you execute a big action and he doesn't found the result (lol).
When you launch a digital simulation ; never close your computer (if it's a portable), disable the automatic sleep and never click in CATIA. After this advices you limited the risk of crash. To save often is basics : )

Go into
C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\DassaultSystemes
create an empty folder with a name of CATSettings 01 and delete the old folder already present in that dirrectory.
In the user environment editor - change the CATSettings to this new folder (CATSettings 01)
Start Catia and set your menus and hotkeys. This is very important - do not migrate old settings to the new version. You can do this, it will work most of the time, not recommended.
Once you have your Catia configured, exit Catia to save the settings, copy the CATSettings 01 directory to create a backup.

It's about ethernet card. if you are install software without or disabled ethernet card you can not activate software. Try this solution; install vmware so you have virtual ethernet adapters. and tadaaa everythings gona be allright.

Hey Guys recently I got this error ,I created another user and opened Catia in New User luckily it's working, Give a Try hope it works