Do you have any Brio wooden train parts? Or similar parts that fits.

If so, would you mind sharing some more parts in GrabCad? There is only a straight part and a bridge here now. Parts like hills and turns are nice :-)

2 Answer

Did a quick search and a few additional components popped up. Though I did not download and confirm that they are exactly what you're looking for they do appear similar.

(The above link eventually hyperlinks to the address below.)

Thanks for the effort. I allready checked all of them out.
The first one seem a bit odd? It doesn't look correct, if you know what I mean? And it also doesn't have everything I need.
The second I've been in contact with and he only have parts for SketchUp.
It seems I need to convert to SketchUp.... :-)
The third option is also found in here, but all the models are scaled down and I have no idea how to undo that, without having to redo all models.
Brio assembly [animated] - wooden toys (.gif/.mp4)
Thanks anyway.