this is drawing is right ?

3 Answers

"chennel" should be Channel.
"Al" should be All

Text in drawings is traditionally all caps, but this drawing is mixed case.

35mm seems like a very large tolerance allowance.

What are the hatch marks showing?

The dimension scheme relies on placing some items before the position of others can be found. Generally, the use of an ordinate dimension method from defined datums is easier to use, and allows for greater accuracy.

This is not a very good drawing. The starting point for producing any drawing is to first decide what is the drawing to be used for, is it a manufacture drawing ?, if this is its purpose it needs to contain all the information needed to make the item in the drawing. The tolerances shown in the drawing need to relate to what is economical to work to, to give a product that is fit for purpose. Manufacture drawings need to be easy to follow. If the drawing is for sales or customer information a different approach is taken. The customer only needs the information that is needed to make use of the item and not enough detail that would enable them to make the item them self and therefore not purchase from you. In all cases the drawing needs to be pleasing to the eye, and easy to follow. Ugly drawings don’t impress customers, in the sales case, and for the workers who will make the products you design will not take you seriously if your drawings are poor.

I was fortunate when I started out in this industry, as I did all of my initial training working in two different government departments, adhering to standards was taken very seriously. The British standard BS 308 was used, no drawings were permitted to leave drawing office, without a thorough check for errors and total compliance with BS 308. A positive, also was, a new draughtsman just starting out, was given the support of the more experienced to guide and support those just starting out.

When I had a position at the NZ Railways Workshop, Hillside Dunedin, The drawing office was filled with many well drawn examples dating from the 1890's all beautifully drawn, some almost works of art. If you want to become good at producing drawings, you can be proud of,look at as many of other peoples drawings as you can, let the well laid out examples be a guide to improving your work

thanks to all