What is Quick Selection Tool in AutoCAD ?

difference between Quick Select, Select Similar and Filter..

1 Answer

when I ran in AutoCad, I used the Select Similar function. I did this for two reasons. The first was that the line command was "SELE" which was the fasted to type and I was all about the command lines. The other is I worked with lots of layers. As I understand it the Select Similar Function selects all the similar shapes on that layer. So I could grab a single "Hidden line", type "SELE", enter and have all hidden lines selected. Remember that only means lines, if you want arcs, you need to select an arc as well. Again it was quick and dirty and help group, move, block things very fast. there were no popup, command prompts or dialog boxes. Now that I use Draftsight, it is one of my most missed functions, that and the "%%C" auto corrects.

Quick Select is it's based on properties. you use a command box to find what you're looking for, Such as "select all lines that are red" or "Find all arcs that are radius .125". there are more commands to go through a the command took longer to type, so I didn't use it, but it is more exact when looking for something specific.

I never used Filters, but it looks to be a more indepth Quick Select tool where you could put multiple inquiries. like Find all lines that are both red and 2.5 inches long.

There are a couple videos on youtube that are quickly found. One of which is by Cyber CAD Solutions I would suggest watch it for more details.