Freecad STL files with Slic3r Tools

Freecad: Prepare STL files to 3D print with Slic3r tools.

  1. Step 1: Open Freecad

  2. Step 2: Open Proyect

    Select your proyect, in this case XEndStopClamp.FCStd

  3. Step 3: Open Slic3r Tools

    Go to View -> Workbench -> Slic3r Tools click to open.

    If it´s not installed, go to Tools -> Addon Manager scroll down under workbenches to find Slic3r Tools, select it and click to install. Normally you need to restart Freecad to be able to use a new workbench.

  4. Step 4: Slic3r Tools Icons

    Now you see 4 new Icons

  5. Step 5: STL icon

    Click on the STL icon and it will save the STL file to your folder specified in Preferences. In this case /STL.

  6. Step 6: Stl file created

    In your file manager the STL file now apears.
