How to design my first Cylinder shape

How to design my first cylinder. The method shown includes step by step easy ways with photos attached to help you understand better. This is completely basic and for the new one's in to 3D designing. If you have any questions or concerns let me know in the comments.
Happy designing :D

  1. Step 1: Lets start

    • Select a plane you want to work on and then select sketch.
  2. Step 2: Draw a Circle

    From the tool icons, select the circle tool and make a circle.

  3. Step 3: Smart Dimension or Give values

    Hit the smart dimension icon and give diameter of your desired circle shape.

  4. Step 4: Almost there

    Go the the features tab and select Extruded Boss/Base. Then give desired height to your cylinder.

  5. Step 5: And your first design is complete

    After clicking the green tick mark your design will be complete and you can print it out.
