How to make a thin-walled part in SolidWorks

Step-by-step instructions for a simple part in SolidWorks.

prepared in response to a request for help from Ahmed Ahmed.

The order of features is very important for this model, so follow the steps exactly as written.

  1. Step 1: Sketch the profile of the round shape

    Here's the drawing of the part to be modeled:

    Start a new Part, and then draw the following sketch in the Front plane:

  2. Step 2: Revolve the sketch

    Use the first sketch to add a Revolved Boss feature as the main body

  3. Step 3: Sketch the profile of the rectangular end

    Draw the sketch below in the Front plane.   (add the R5mm corner fillets now, or add them later)

  4. Step 4: Sweep the sketch

    Use the second sketch to add a Extruded Boss to the part. Use the Mid Plane option, with a total length of 125mm per the drawing.

  5. Step 5: Add some fillets

    1. Round off both the rectangular shoulders with R8mm fillets. (If you skipped them earlier in the sketch, now is the best place to add the R5mm fillets)

    2. And round off the intersection with another fillet. It's not dimensioned on the drawing, so just use R8mm again.

  6. Step 6: Last step: hollow out the part

    Add a Shell feature for a wall thickness of 2mm. Select the front and back faces to be open. Do not choose the Outward option.

    And here's the final part:
