
Pick and place application with KUKA KR16 robot using coppeliaSim and Matlab

9 1 Intermediate
. . . . . . . . Hi friends , in this tutorial I will show you how to create a pick and place simulation with the 6 DOF robot KUKA KR16 . Contents : ** V-REP part : 1-Attach a gripper to the robot flange 1:00 2-Add a conveyor 3:51 3-Set the robot in the inverse kinematic mode 7:22 4-Generate an infinite number of pieces 10:14 ** Matlab part : 5-Gripper function 13:13 6-Linear move function 15:47 7-Pick and place function 20:30 8- main code 24:33 all the matlab remote API functions are available here : http://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiFunctionsMatlab.htm#simxSetJointPosition I hope it's helpful and if you have question , I will do my best to answer them If you want to do this simulation again , you can download the KUKA KR 16 from here : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZaMG-3bbJN-GHo3lghNYwZNuZD61NDDS/view?usp=sharing Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/Mechatronics-Ninja-1601353846600883/?ref=bookmarks Thank you for watching.