How to optimize time during sketching in Pro-E/Creo ??

Well I've started with sketching tips in pro-e/creo, which often come handy when I use pro-e/creo elements.Then I'll move on to some feature base tips.So lets not waste time and get started.Its easy and will take minimal time...

  1. Step 1:

    first off all I've just drawn a random stuff so that you can easily get go with the command.You can use for intricate drawings also.
    Ok go to sketch mode...
    draw what you want...

  2. Step 2:

    Now select all the stuff that you have drawn...
    Nextly right click in space(hold right click for sometime) and a menu appears...
    Select "modify" from it...

  3. Step 3:

    Now a pop-up appears where you can modify all the relevant dimension at one place....Cheers
