
Split body in SolidWorks

6 0 Beginner
Split body feature and how it works.

How to "trim" bodies in an assembly in Solidworks?

5 0 Beginner
I don't think there is anything that easy in the assembly level but here are 2 different ways I would do it instead of opening every part and finding the sketch etc...

3D Modelling Examples

5 3 Beginner
This tutorial contains basic examples to start with 3d modelling software's with dimensions Hit like if it is useful and follow my video tutorials on the below link https://grabcad.com/tutorials/catia-v5-basic-tutorial

Tutorial how to twist body in SW

0 0 Beginner
here a tutorial about flex command you can make your own fan wing please click on it worked if you liked

How to Combine Bodies in SolidWorks-INTERMEDIATE

0 0 Intermediate
When it comes to 3D modeling software, SOLIDWORKS is king. The innovative, integrated software solution offers various robust features to accommodate even the most intricate models. SOLIDWORKS can be used to make anything. If you can think it, you can model it. In fact, it doesn’t even have to be manufacturable. In this video, you will learn an awesome Solidworks skill that can help you advance in your learning of 3D Modeling. In a multibody part, you can combine multiple bodies to create a single body. You can add or subtract bodies, or keep material that is common to the selected bodies Combining Bodies - Add In a multibody part, you can combine multiple bodies to create a single body. Combining Bodies - Subtract In a multibody part, you can subtract one or more bodies from another body. Combining Bodies - Common In a multibody part, you can create a body defined by the intersection of multiple bodies.

Tutorial - Beginners - Simple Cup

0 0 Beginner

Contour trick in solidworks with bodies merge - خدعة الاسكيتشات في السواليد وركس

0 0 Beginner
Contour trick in solidworks with bodies merge - خدعة الاسكيتشات في السواليد وركس by Mohamed gamal https://youtu.be/8HCf73vitK4