
Some concepts about DIN 5480 spline dimension Part 1

35 8 Expert
For some questions that I received. I will upload some tutorials about DIN 5480 dimensions. This is a tutorial explaining some concepts on dimensions of the splines ruled by DIN 5480

DIN 580

29 1 Expert
Suspension Bolt

Some concepts about DIN 5480 spline dimension Part 3

21 0 Expert
In this tutorial, I will explain the concept of addendum correction (modification) and how is applied to DIN 5480 splines

GD&T essential for engineering

20 1 Beginner
GD&T is essential for engineering projects, GD&T tell engineers how reasonable and feasibility to realize the thing imagined.

AutoCAD | Working with layout view

15 1 Intermediate
In this tutorial video, you can treat your layout as a sheet of paper upon which you can arrange the parts of your drawing systematically, as well as add annotations and other details before creating the final output.

Some concepts about DIN 5480 spline dimension Part 2

12 3 Expert
Continuation of part 1. https://grabcad.com/tutorials/some-concepts-about-din-5480-spline-dimension-part-1

Compression Spring, Equation Driven, in SolidWorks

8 0 Beginner
Not sure this is a tutorial, or just the description of my process for building a printable compression spring. There are equations in the excel documents not just for a printable spring, but also designing custom metal. Designing the spring and Using the model loaded here: https://grabcad.com/library/compression-spring-equation-driven-1

Designing Axial Static O-ring Grooves to "Industry Standards"

7 2 Intermediate
This Covers 2/3 of everything I know about designing O-ring seals. I frequently used these while designing production tools. Most the design is based on the standards that are put forth by SAE. Personally, I be going over the reiteration by Parker since it's what I learned. Other references include the Apple Rubble Product and Trelleborg for their proprietary O-ring Gland Calculators, and the help they gave me in building my own. Links to their websites are found in Section 5. All design in this lesson is for "Static Axial Design under normal conditions”. Disclaimer: while I have completed a BS in Mechanical Engineering and have passed the FE, I am not a PE. While these calculations are standard, published, and I personally have used these practices to design multiple high-pressure tools, I cannot guarantee that they a perfect. If you are in doubt, in a hazardous environment, or using in an application that could cause harm to life, I would suggest double checking with other sources (engineering) and/or extensive testing. Also, my experience is in Oil and gas, in the continental USA. You may notice my practices being bias to API standards and in English Units, I suggest you take all I say with a grain of salt. Lesson Plan: Step 1: Background and Definitions Step 2: Finding a Published O-ring Gland and incorporating it into a design. Step 3: Designing Custom Groove using the Standards Step 4: Other Design Recommendations and Drafting Example Step 5: References and Useful links A copy of the files can be found at: https://grabcad.com/library/how-to-design-an-o-ring-gland-to-industry-standards-parts-and-photos-1

Como dimensionar la matriz y los punzones de un troquel de corte

6 1 Expert
Con este tutorial pretendemos explicar como dimensionar la matriz y los punzones de un troquel de corte, garantizando la tolerancia de fabricación de la pieza así como logrando la mayor vida útil del troquel.

Single Inspection Dimension for Holes

6 1 Beginner
I was having a hard time figuring out a good way to dimension a hole with both the diameter and depth of a hole with GD&T in a singe dimension. This dimension also required inspection so I wanted the inspection circle around the dimension and have the properties linked to the model. I did a lot of searching on the internet and did not find a good solution. Here is my solution. please leave your comments if you have a better way to do this.

Solidworks vba userfom

6 2 Intermediate
Hi everyone I made a design of elevator car frame in solidworks and can change the dimensions with vba macro userform. Macro runs on model opening and rebuild the model with new dimensions when clicking update button. Anybody can use the model who don't know anything about solidworks. Have a good day


6 4 Intermediate
Charger design by Solidworks

Tolerances in DIN 5480 splines

7 0 Intermediate
In this tutorial, I will address some topics regarding the flank tolerances in the standard DIN 5480 splines. For an Asking of https://grabcad.com/erick.mireles-2 about the meaning of 8f in an expression like DIN 5480 W 120 x 3 x 38 x 8f

RIVETED JOINT Structural Analysis at 250N force with 4 RIVET | Ansys Workbench | Catia to ansys

5 0 Expert
The finite element technique was used throughout the analysis of present work. The present work showed that riveted joints are superior in strengthening to the riveted joints. The riveted joint seems to strengthen and balance the stress and distributed uniformly. FORCE(F) = 250N RIVETED = 4 PLATE =2

(VIDEO) How to Size Isometric View (3D View) Detailing - Solidworks

5 0 Beginner